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Canalys Forums 2023: APAC Channel Partner of the Year Awards 2023

Canalys Forums 2023: APAC Channel Partner of the Year Awards 2023

Microgenesis, blueAPACHE and Shro Systems seized the spotlight and served as inspirations in the APAC channel – as they pushed the boundaries of innovation, forged a path towards a more sustainable future and spearheaded growth within their companies.


2023 wasn’t just a year of progress, it was a “wave-making” year for channel partners across APAC. The coveted Canalys Candefero Channel Partner of the Year awards highlight the partners that embody the best of the best, recognizing not just bottom-line growth but also innovative advancements and unwavering commitments to sustainability. Let’s dive into the stories of 2023’s winners, and explore how they’ve redefined what it means to excel in their respective areas.

APAC Overall Channel Partner of the Year 2023: Microgenesis

With 35 years experience, Microgenesis has weathered market challenges with remarkable resilience, and continued to showcase robust double-digit growth in both revenue and profit. This thriving performance stems from a strategic shift towards a solutions-centric business, combined with a strong focus on cybersecurity. Driven by its philosophy of delivering excellent services, Microgenesis prioritizes building capabilities and investing in vendor certifications to be able to deliver best business outcomes to clients. This approach has been instrumental in its persistent growth trajectory throughout the years.

Jeffrey Choa, CEO at Microgenesis, said, “Microgenesis has been working very hard over the 35 years of its existence to cater to the ever-growing IT needs of our customers. We have grown steadily throughout these years by focusing on providing the right solutions and a high-level quality of service to our clientele in the area of IT Security, Networking, Hybrid Cloud and Data Center Infrastructure, among others. We were surprised and grateful for the recognition bestowed upon us by Canalys as the Overall Channel Partner of the Year 2023 in the APAC region. This award encourages us to do even better and work even harder to meet the needs of our customers and contribute to the growth of the IT industry.”

APAC Innovation Partner of the Year 2023: blueAPACHE

Since 1998, blueAPACHE has been breaking down technology barriers for businesses of all sizes across Australia, New Zealand, Asia, and North America. At the core of its innovative approach is its emPOWER reference architecture. emPOWER not only ensures global access but also securely connects customers’ global operations seamlessly. blueAPACHE’s innovation in cybersecurity services achieved an impressive 30% compound annual growth rate over the past decade, underscoring its commitment to innovation and helping customers achieve better up-time and international scalability.

Chris Marshall, Managing Director at blueAPACHE, commented, “blueAPACHE strives to be the mid-market global leader in application delivery and data security. Having our success recognized in APAC by Canalys is truly humbling and is testament to the work of our team across the region. Our team of nearly 300 people dedicate their professional lives to empowering our customers to achieve their goals, and winning the Canalys Innovation Partner of the Year Award for 2023 demonstrates that our team are unsurpassed.”

APAC Sustainability Partner of the Year 2023: Shro Systems

With 35 years under its belt, Shro Systems delivers IT solutions to businesses across all verticals in India. Its strong commitment towards the three pillars of sustainability saw the Shro team educating customers on areas of social and corporate sustainability, while also introducing sustainability programs within its organization.

Anirudh Shrotriya, Managing Director at Shro Systems, remarked, “With gratitude, we accept the Sustainability Partner of the Year Award, a testament to our company's ethos of involving every employee and channeling collective energy into meaningful initiatives for a greener, healthier, and socially responsible tomorrow.”

Sheena Wee, Canalys Senior Analyst, said, “The Canalys Candefero Channel Partner of the Year Awards celebrates channel partners that are committed to innovation, sustainability, and growth. In a year marked by challenging macroeconomic conditions, we see partners such as Microgenesis, blueAPACHE and Shro Systems emerging as beacons of resilience in the APAC channel. Their unwavering dedication towards their customers and their ability to adapt to evolving market dynamics have not only fueled their own success but also strengthened the APAC IT channel ecosystem. Congratulations to all the award winners.”


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